About Us.

Who We Are

LibanTroc is a Lebanese registered humanitarian non-profit association (entity number 223, MOF number 3736325). Its mission is to provide essential assistance to Lebanese families distressed by the ongoing and ever-growing economical crisis Lebanon is facing since 2019.

It first started when, in an effort to fight CORRUPTION in the humanitarian sector, simple citizens launched a simple Facebook group in December 2019 that grew tremendously and has become the hub of all requests, achieving miracles every day. We believe in being the change we want to see in this world, so instead of nagging on social media, we turned this tool into a bridge of hope and love amidst the intense Lebanese crisis.

Innovative Approach 

The innovative unique “Per case” handling method made it, in a very short time, one of the most respectable and reputable Lebanese social platforms; addressing each case individually, publically, and in full transparency.

The enormous efforts and energy spent by the team to verify the legitimacy of each case/request, ensured the trustworthiness of LibanTroc as an association, scaling it up to become one of the most direct and efficient links between donors and beneficiaries. 

Hala Dahrouge

Hala Dahrouge

Founder and President of the board

Micheline El Kady

Micheline El Kady

Co-founder, treasurer

Stéphanie Mehanna

Stéphanie Mehanna

Co-founder, Secretary of the board

Elie Ayoub

Elie Ayoub

Honorary Board Member – Geneva, Switzerland

Volunteers In Action